Welcome to the CPJC's Blog

Hello and welcome! Thanks for taking some interest in the CPJC and this new blog-venture. This blog will include the musings of some of the volunteers at the CPJC. Because of this, it should be noted, any opinions expressed in this blog are not necessarily those of the Chico Peace and Justice Center. What you'll find in this blog, as time goes on (I know, it's very sparse at the moment), are our (some of the volunteers) thoughts on topical news items, our take on interesting articles, or perhaps just our random ramblings. We hope that, no matter what we write, it's interesting, fun to read, and fosters some healthy discussion.

We'll be sure to update our Facebook status whenever a new post is made, so be sure to stay tuned for any new blog entries

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

End the Fed! Wait, why?

As I passed through the Occupy Chico crowd today, I noticed several signs conveying the same basic message: End the Fed. Of all of the messages I've seen and heard surrounding the Occupy Chico and Occupy Wall Street crowd, I've found this one to be the most perplexing.

Criticisms of the Fed are understandable, and given our current situation, very justified; but to want to end the Fed outright doesn't make much sense. Think Progress blogger, Matthew Yglesias, had a reader write into him with similar thoughts, wondering why people wanted to end the Fed, and requesting a "must read" list for anyone that wants to understand the importance of the Fed and monetary policy. I figured I'd piggyback on Yglesias' recommendations, and share them with you. A piece written by Yglesias, outlining the importance of the Fed, among other things. A piece by Paul Krugman outlining, in a very easy to understand way, what monetary policy is and how it works. Here's a piece, by Dean Baker, for those who shutter at the idea of a weaker dollar created by the actions of the Fed.

Anyways, I hope this helps to influence some people's thinking in regards to the Fed.

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