Welcome to the CPJC's Blog

Hello and welcome! Thanks for taking some interest in the CPJC and this new blog-venture. This blog will include the musings of some of the volunteers at the CPJC. Because of this, it should be noted, any opinions expressed in this blog are not necessarily those of the Chico Peace and Justice Center. What you'll find in this blog, as time goes on (I know, it's very sparse at the moment), are our (some of the volunteers) thoughts on topical news items, our take on interesting articles, or perhaps just our random ramblings. We hope that, no matter what we write, it's interesting, fun to read, and fosters some healthy discussion.

We'll be sure to update our Facebook status whenever a new post is made, so be sure to stay tuned for any new blog entries

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Paperwork and Protests

Wonkblog has an interesting article today by Rich Yeselson, a research coordinator at Change to Win, outlining some of the common habits that successful social movements employ. It's a very worthwhile read.

One of the points that Yeselson emphasized was the fact that successful social movements are boring. That's not to say that their message or their cause is boring, but rather that the legwork associated with the movement is. That means creating fliers, making phone calls, writing letters, gathering signatures, that sort of thing. Sure, it's a lot more fun and empowering to go march downtown, or participate in a protest, but those aren't necessarily the most important aspects of a social movement. Behind any large or successful protests are volunteers participating in countless meetings, making phone calls, writing e-mails ... the boring stuff.

At the CPJC I mostly do the legwork. I create fliers, I answer phones, I send out e-mails, I update the database. None of it is terribly exciting for most people (I do, however, enjoy it), but according to Rich Yeselson, what I have been doing is terribly important.

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